This Scioto Mile Engagement session in downtown Columbus is one of my favorites!  We had a beautiful and glowy evening in downtown Columbus, Ohio!  I enjoyed getting to know this couple better!  I love to ask every couple how they met!  And I love their story!  Hailey met Justin when she attended his family’s Tae Kwon Do school for a woman’s self-defense class when she was just 18 years old!  They reconnected years later when one of their friends decided to be a match-maker!  haha!

Justin proposed to Hailey on Christmas day!  After opening gifts with each other there was a gift addressed to Hailey with her name on it!  But it didn’t say who it was from!  After she began to open the box…there was another box wrapped inside of it!  And then another and other!  haha  The final box had a ring box and Justin got down on one knee and gave a thoughtful speech before asking her to marry him!  So I guess the saying about “good things come in small packages” is really true!

I just have to talk about the glow in their images!  We have been having quite a teaser as far as weather goes here in Ohio!  One day is cold, the next day is warm, then the next day is snowing!  Well last weekend we had ONE warm and glowy evening!  It was just perfect!  We went to the bridge along the Scioto Mile!  It definitely made for some beautiful and scenic portraits!  We were able to get such a variety of poses in their images!  While the future bride and groom changed into a more dressy outfit…I  took a few detail shots of Hailey’s beautiful engagement ring!  We walked to the Ohio Statehouse and it was the perfect location for their dressy outfit change!  Here are a few of my favorite images!

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